An article examined the impact of the participation of child rights organizations on policy processes relating to child rights in the European Union. A 'bifurcated' pattern of civil society engagement had emerged in relation to EU internal and external policy dimensions, which had led to divergent policy frames at the Commission level and limited the Europeanization effects at the domestic level.
Source: Ingi Iusmen, 'Civil society participation and EU children's rights policy', Journal of Civil Society, Volume 8 Issue 2
Links: Abstract
Date: 2012-Dec
An article examined the poor relationship between the European Commission and the children's rights networks, and how this had affected the children's rights agenda.
Source: Jean Grugel and Ingi Iusmen, 'The European Commission as guardian angel: the challenges of agenda-setting for children's rights', Journal of European Public Policy, Volume 20 Issue 1
Links: Abstract
Date: 2012-Nov
A new book examined the status of children in the European Union. It analyzed the legal and policy framework underpinning children's rights across a range of areas, including family law, education, immigration, and child protection.
Source: Helen Stalford, Children and the European Union: Rights, welfare and accountability, Hart Publishing
Links: Summary
Date: 2012-Aug
An article examined the impact of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child on education policy in Europe. It said that the Convention was having an impact on domestic education policy, and that the child rights framework could be harnessed further by those seeking to influence government.
Source: Laura Lundy, 'Children s rights and educational policy in Europe: the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child', Oxford Review of Education, Volume 38 Number 4
Links: Abstract
Date: 2012-Aug
The Scottish Government began consultation on proposals for improving children's rights and services. Measures in the Bill included: embedding the rights of children and young people across the public sector in line with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child; improving the availability of high-quality, flexible, integrated early learning and childcare; and improving the rights of young people leaving care.
Source: A Scotland for Children: A consultation on the Children and Young People Bill, Scottish Government
Links: Consultation document | Scottish Government press release | Letter | COSLA press release | SNP press release | BBC report
Date: 2012-Jul
The children's rights watchdog for England published its annual report for 2011–12.
Source: Annual Report and Financial Statements for 2011-2012, HC 299, Office of the Children's Commissioner, TSO
Links: Report
Date: 2012-Jul
The coalition government published (following an independent review) draft legislation designed to reform the children s rights watchdog in England. The Children's Commissioner would be given a wider remit, more powers, and greater independence.
Source: Reform of the Office of Children s Commissioner: Draft Legislation, Cm 8390, Department for Education, TSO
Links: Draft legislation | Hansard | DE press release
Notes: Dunford review (November 2010)
Date: 2012-Jul
The children's watchdog for England published a report summarizing some of the key equality information that related to children and young people living in England. As well as the discrimination faced by specific groups of children and young people (for example, disabled children) it was notable that general perceptions of children and young people, particularly adolescents, were often negative, based on slim or prejudicial grounds.
Source: Lisa Davis, Children and Equality: Equality evidence relating to children and young people in England, Office of the Children's Commissioner
Links: Report
Date: 2012-Apr
A briefing paper presented an overview of international and regional instruments for the rights of the child, and of the European legal framework before and after the Lisbon Treaty. It provided an assessment of their impact for children's rights and put forward key recommendations to consolidate the European Union legal framework in this field.
Source: Emanuela Canetta, Nathalie Meurens, Paul McDonough, and Roberta Ruggiero, EU Framework of Law for Children s Rights, European Parliament
Links: Paper
Date: 2012-Apr
A new book presented a social theory of children's rights, from a cross-cultural perspective.
Source: Manfred Liebel, Children's Rights from Below: Cross-cultural perspectives, Palgrave Macmillan
Links: Summary
Date: 2012-Mar
An article examined work with children as co-researchers and as participants, based on acknowledging children as rights-holders. Building capacity on the substantive research issues enabled children to contribute more confidently.
Source: Laura Lundy and Lesley McEvoy, 'Children s rights and research processes: assisting children to (in)formed views', Childhood, Volume 19 Number 1
Links: Abstract
Date: 2012-Feb
A new book examined whether the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child provided an appropriate framework for the protection and promotion of children s rights across different cultures.
Source: Thoko Kaime, The Convention on the Rights of the Child: A Cultural Legitimacy Critique, Europa Law Publishing
Links: Summary
Date: 2012-Feb
The children's watchdog for England published its first 'child rights impact assessment' of draft legislation. It highlighted a series of concerns regarding the potential effects of the Welfare Reform Bill on children s rights – in particular an increase in child poverty as a result of housing benefit cuts..
Source: A Child Rights Impact Assessment of the Welfare Reform Bill, Office of the Children's Commissioner
Links: Report | OCC press release | Inside Housing report
Date: 2012-Jan